Archive for 2012

Change is good

We are happy and sad as a team member of our team, Martina is leaving the practice to persue work and personal goals in Eastern Canada. In keeping with our vision of providing exceptional patient care, we are please to announce  Joanne Mei as a addition to the team.


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Forthcoming Presentation Dates

Forthcoming presentation dates include:
“Airway Issues – common causes of dental problems. Do you snore or stop breathing at night?” (Sleep Apnea)
October 22nd 2012, 7:00pm Room 112 at 250 West Pender Street, Vancouver Community College.


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Occlusion/TMD Class at UBC

Occlusion/TMD Class at UBC

Drs. Nasedkin and Tejani are pictured with their Occlusion/TMD Class at UBC in 2011. They present this elective program annually to selected advanced standing students just prior to their dental school graduation

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Forthcoming Presentation Dates

Forthcoming presentation dates include:
UBC Faculty of Medicine: Feb. 23, 2012 at the Annual Post Graduate Review in Family Medicine.
Nov. 22, 2012 St. Pauls Hospital Vancouver, Annual Family Medicine Conference

Recent presentation:
Vancouver Iranian Dental Assoc, Jan. 16th, 2012.

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